Welcome to the Cellular Automaton Editor!

Edit States:

Welcome to the Cellular Automaton Editor. Here you can add/remove possible cell states. All states with their colors will be shown in the table. Below, you can then create transition rules which define how the state of a cell changes depending on its neighbours.

Click anywhere on the canvas once you started the CA to return here.

State Name Color

Add Rules:

Add Transition from to ...
if the amount of neighbours is than/to
randomly with propability

Existing Transition Rules:

From state to state

Initialization/Starting States:

Default state:
Randomly initialize (%) of cells to

Examples can be loaded by clicking on the links below. There is currently no way to load a JSON description back into the website because i have not written a validator yet. If you feel lucky, open the console and assign to game_description. You need to call updateStates() afterwards to update the GUI.